The wall street journal said 34% of all application forms contain outright lies about experience, education and the ability to perform essential functions of the job. Review of Business said one in four resumes contain false information pertaining to educational credentials, skill levels or past experience. Small Reports said employees at all levels falsify their backgrounds. The American Management Association and US Chamber of Commerce said 30% of all business failures are caused by employee theft.
JSL provides freshly investigated background reporting surveys for companies and organizations of all sizes. The following is a summary of our range of background services:
Certificate/License Verification
In many jobs. educational credentials and professional licensing play a large role in determining whether an applicant is qualified. One of the most common areas of resume fraud is the overstatement of the applicant’s education and license. JSL can verify educational certificates and professional licensing on a nationwide basis. Verification of degrees and attendance is done by contacting educational institutions. Professional licenses are verified by contacting the licensing organization.
Employment Verification
The information about work experience that an applicant provides in an application or resume may not be the whole truth. Employment verification can provide key information about an applicant’s work history, Productivity, and overall work ethic. This search validates dates of hire, positions held, salary given, reason for leaving and rehire eligibility with past job performance. Previous employers and co-workers are valuable sources when compiling a complete profile of the applicant.
Reference Verification
Reference is an important part of evaluating a job applicant. They can reveal information that often goes undetected by just looking at job history. Our client can gain an insight into an applicant’s character by talking with people who know the applicant best. JSL will contact and verify personal/professional references, supplied by the applicant to gain valuable insight into the character of the applicant.
Assets/Real Property Verification
JSL can provide insight into an applicant’s financial stability by searching the specific property/asset, declared as owner by the applicant including bank accounts. JSL reports include identification of the assets and real property; present market value, current income and taxes paid.